Wyatt’s Woods Discussion Questions

Wyatt's Woods book cover

Discussion Questions for Wyatt’s Woods

We’ve prepared the following discussion questions for Wyatt’s Woods with book clubs in mind. Enjoy!

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  1. Many of the animals in Wyatt’s Woods, such as Ms. Pomposity Goose, have names that describe their personalities and behavior. How is Ms. Pomposity Goose like her name? In Wyatt’s Woods, what are some other animals with names like this?
  2. Door County, Wisconsin, is a popular vacation spot. If you’ve been to Door County, what is your favorite thing to do there? If not, where is your favorite place to go on vacation? What do you like to do there?
  3. Wyatt has a loyal dog named Bailey. Do you have a pet? What do you like to do together?
  4. Wyatt’s Woods is a story about the Potawatomi Indians of Wisconsin. Can you name any other Indian tribes that live in the Wisconsin now, and have lived here in the past?
  5. What do artifacts and archaeologists have in common? Why are they important in Wyatt’s Woods?
  6. Wyatt’s favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake with vanilla ice cream. What is your favorite dessert?
  7. How many different animals and birds can you count in Wyatt’s Woods? Have you ever seen any of these in real life? Which ones?
  8. Wyatt’s grandfather is Irish. Do you know what nationality your ancestors were?
  9. Roscoe Opossum sleeps during the day and is awake at night. What are some other animals that sleep during the day?
  10. “He just can’t cut the mustard,” is a saying in Wyatt’s Woods, that means someone can’t figure out how to do something well. Do you know any other sayings that have a meaning different from their actual words? Can you find more examples in Wyatt’s Woods?
  11. In Wyatt’s Woods, Salamander cousins Sammy and Newt discover that digging a big hole is hard work. They want to quit. What is a big job that you have done, that you finished even though you would have liked to quit?