Harold William Thorpe
Stories of our Grandparents. Stories for our Grandchildren.
This series by Wisconsin author Harold William Thorpe is an “epic tale of a bygone era.” In turns riveting and wistful, the books tell the story of the O’Shaughnessy family pursuing their dreams and overcoming adversities with determination and grace.
An award-winning, heartwarming family saga with charming cast of characters that readers will love.

The 1914 Christmas Truce
On Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 1914, British, German, and French soldiers on the war’s western front disregarded explicit orders from their superiors, and threat of consequences including court marshal and even execution. They rose up out their trenches, put down their weapons, and celebrated the Yuletide together.

Children’s Christmas Animal Books
All the way back to the Nativity in the Bible, animals have been part of the Christmas story. Woodland animals, to the present day, often show up in stories about the winter holiday season.

Real Life Characters
The O’Shaughnessy Chronicles are a fictionalized account of my family’s history in rural Wisconsin. The Good Friends Storybooks were written for my grandchildren and are also inspired by real people and events. Meet some of the real life people who inspired the characters in my books.
About the Author
Harold William Thorpe grew up in southwest Wisconsin and spent many happy hours at his and his relatives’ farms. It wasn’t until retirement that he decided to fictionalize his mother’s memoirs. The result is the award winning O’Shaughnessy Chronicles. In addition he has written 4 children’s books, one for each of his grandchildren: The Good Friends Storybooks.
The O’Shaughnessy Chronicles
Based on Harold Thorpe’s own family history, the O’Shaughnessy Chronicles are a series of books set in Iowa County, Wisconsin in the early-to-mid 20th Century. Read on for synopses, reviews, outtakes, book club questions and to download free chapters.
Social Media
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Book Clubs
These free book questions can help get the discussion flowing at your next meeting.
Chapter Downloads
Did you know you can download a chapter for any of my books for free? Give them a try before you buy.
Where to buy
These books are available through Amazon, publisher Little Creek Press, and many local bookstores.
The beautiful Wisconsin photography used in the banners and background, and on social media are by Terry McNeil. See more of Terry’s work on his Capture Wisconsin profile.