Carp Spearing

Carp Spearing

I’d never gone carp spearing, but my friends who had, explained exactly how to do it. I must have been too excited to listen closely. I did some of it right, but I missed their most important information—and that got me into serious trouble. After my goldfish fiasco,...
My Own Serengeti

My Own Serengeti

I’d read all the Tarzan stories, but I didn’t have a forest with trees to climb and vines to swing on—not until I visited my Aunt Anne and Uncle Earl’s farm near Ridgeway. They had a forest, and they let me play in it, too. My best friend, Denny Doyle, and I found...
My Very Own Uncle Sam

My Very Own Uncle Sam

Although World War I was long past by the time I entered the world in October 1937, that ubiquitous poster commands a spot in my memory. Uncle Sam’s accusing finger pointed straight at me. His bushy brows, long hair, goateed chin, and intent countenance mesmerized me....