Heirloom recipes, Italian Food and Culture, Kitchen and Culture
In 1902, the first Italian-Americans arrived in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Read more about their contributions to Mineral Point history in the article Italian Food and Culture in Mineral Point. For this issue of Kitchen & Culture, we feature a recipe for Italian...
Cornish Food and Culture, Kitchen and Culture
Cornish pasties, figgyhobbin, and tea biscuits. You must be in Iowa County, Wisconsin! Ethnic food – Cornish, in Iowa County’s case — is a key ingredient in a community’s history and culture. Authors of regional fiction often weave in food, and ethnic...
Harold's Favorite Places - Iowa County
“A few minutes later, Mary, Catherine, and Ruby entered his room. ‘Dad,’ Catherine said, ‘Mr. Henning, Mr. Roberts, and the others are doing our milking so that Ruby and I can get to school.’” ~ Bittersweet Harvest Harold’s Favorite Places: Avoca School...
Iowa County Blog, Italian Food and Culture
“His new Goodyears filled his window display space, and today he busily installed brake linings on the Ford sedan that Tony Filardo dropped off that morning. His business from Italians increased monthly, and he was thankful for that. When treated fairly, these first...