In Aubrey’s Attic, two young girls find adventure, and meet new animal friends, in the attic of a 170-year-old, former hotel in Butte des Morts, Wisconsin. In the attic, they rehearse for an upcoming local history production about Sophia Grignon, whose father, fur...
“They began moving day in the rolling hills of Southwest Wisconsin, crossed the Military Ridge, and then slowly descended crests and valleys toward their new home on the Wisconsin River… At dusk a breeze swept down from the bluffs and cleared the fog away, and then he...
Cousin Wayne Paull faced more challenges than most people during his ninety years on this earth, but he never let life’s difficulties beat him down. He “rolled with the punches” and responded with a smile on his face. If you approached him feeling “out of sorts,” it...
I adored my Grandmother Stephens-Fitzsimons. My first memories with her were at The Pike, an amusement park in Long Beach, California. We’d get on the bus and head down to the ocean for a day of fun rides, a picnic on the beach, and for me, enjoyable moments...
Throughout our family and her Ridgeway community, my Aunt Anne Paull was known for her beautiful and delicious angel food cakes. Someone contacted her before every family reunion, Thanksgiving dinner, or church supper to be sure that she’d remember to bring her...
Will O’Shaughnessy, the central character in my first two O’Shaughnessy Chronicle books, Giddyap Tin Lizzie and Bittersweet Harvest, was inspired by my grandfather, Will Fitzsimons. I learned most about Grandfather Fitzsimons from my mother, Laura Annette Fitzsimons,...
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If you like this you'll love the O'Shaughnessy Chronicles!
When a sibling unexpectedly inherits his grandfather’s dairy farm, Will O’Shaughnessy turns to selling Fords in rural, pre-World War I southwestern Wisconsin.
A richly wistful epic tale of a bygone era....Readers will yearn for more. ~ Midwest Book Review