Farming, Iowa County Blog, Reflections
The following anecdotes illustrate numerous ways my family-farmer relatives showed kindness to me, and positively influenced work habits, attitudes, and my view about how to treat others. How I admired these adults, even as a child, enough to want to learn from them...
Farming, History, Wisconsin History
In Bittersweet Harvest, Will O’Shaughnessy convinces dairy farmers in his Wisconsin River community of Willow to organize a cooperative. It’s the 1930s, the Great Depression era. “If we organize, we can buy in volume. We can sell in volume. We’d get better prices…I’d...
Farming, Life lessons, Reflections
By Harold William Thorpe—author of The O’Shaughnessy Chronicles, a farm family’s epic four-book history. I learned life’s most important lessons from family farmers. The farmers I knew best were family members, but those I extol here could be any family-farmer. I...
Farming, History, Wisconsin History
If you grew up on a Wisconsin farm prior to the 1950s, you probably had work horses. The day that your family finally sold them, and replaced them with gasoline tractors, might be a vivid childhood memory. “Will, did you ever consider that they might think your...